10 TikTok Video Ideas to Grow Your Consulting Business

  1. Myth Busting Series

    Debunk common misconceptions related to oppression, privilege, or social justice. Use short, engaging videos to clarify and educate your audience.

  2. Quick Tips for Allyship

    Share actionable tips on how individuals can be better allies. Offer practical advice on supporting marginalized communities.

  3. Spotlighting Inspiring Activists

    Showcase the work of influential activists or organizations. Use your platform to amplify their voices and initiatives, spreading awareness and inspiration.

  4. Come to a Protest with Me

    Bring your audience along as you make signs, march and connect with community members.

  5. Personal Story Time

    Share a personal story or experience related to anti-oppression work. This humanizes your advocacy and helps viewers connect with the real impact of social justice issues.

  6. Behind-the-Scenes of Advocacy

    Take your audience behind the scenes of your daily life as an anti-oppression consultant. Offer insights into your work, challenges faced, and moments of progress.

  7. Collaborate with Other Advocates

    Collaborate with fellow activists, educators, or influencers. This can introduce your content to new audiences and provide diverse perspectives on social justice topics.

  8. Empowerment Through Art

    Express anti-oppression messages through art, whether it's visual arts, spoken word, or music. Creativity can be a powerful tool for conveying messages that resonate emotionally.

  9. Interactive Challenges

    Create challenges that encourage viewers to take small actions in support of social justice. For example, challenge them to learn and share a new fact each day or participate in a community service activity.

  10. My Culture, My Story

    Share stories and traditions from your own culture or background. This helps break stereotypes and promotes understanding of the diversity within marginalized communities.

Cicely Blain